If your spouse has been unfaithful and seems unwilling to prioritize your marriage, it’s time to stop crying, arguing or pleading. It’s time to start doing things differently. That starts with listening to this indispensable program.

Whether it’s your starting point or your last ditch effort, this Marriage SOS crash course provides urgent, usable and at times unconventional strategies to pull your marriage off the dead-end path an affair has put it on. 

Just press 'play' and listen your way out of confusion, conflict and heartache.

- Over six intensive hours of core audio, divided into three parts 

- Core audio (as above) with optional calming video background

- Three-part workbook / program supplement

- PDF book: 30 Lifelines to Revive Your Marriage in One Month

- "What NOT To Do!" reminder sheet

- Must-watch videos and exercises to improve spousal interactions and intimacy

- Client Q&A clips: Hard Questions, Straight Answers - from Deb's Desk

Visit DebraMacleod.com to learn more about Debra Macleod's Marriage SOS™ Online Crash Courses and other resources.